FinnCERES launches a joint call for Aalto and VTT researchers for Novel Openings to stimulate the renewal of science in FinnCERES. The thematic areas for years 2019-2020 are:
- Novel characterization methods and analytics (incl. spectroscopic, numerical, computational, AI) to reveal the inherent features of lignocellulosic precursors, advanced components and assemblies.
- High-value precursors and advanced materials from novel fractionation processes. In this context, biofuel and monomer routes are not considered.
- Learning from Nature: Materials solutions for feasible functions that draw inspiration from plant cell wall assemblies and other biological systems, and their translation to industrial adoption.
The aim of the Novel Openings is to lay the foundations for future biomaterials solutions and concepts. Proposals should combine high ambition, rooted in scientific excellence, with technological implications, even venturing into unknown areas.
Aalto and VTT researchers can find the call text and the application template in the internal working space of FinnCERES, Eduuni. If you do not yet have access to Eduuni, please contact the project managers Jukka Hassinen and Stina Grönqvist at info@members.finnceres.fi.
Deadline: The project proposals (template, max. three A4) should be submitted to info@members.finnceres.fi by 3.5.2019 at 12.00.