Prof. Jukka Seppälä granted COVID-19 special funding

Four ongoing research projects at Aalto University have received funding from the Academy of Finland’s COVID-19 special call.

Among those, professor Jukka Seppälä’s research project was granted a funding of 199 315 euros. The subject of the study is polysaccharides that have been functionally modified to have anti-microbial and anti-viral effects. Polysaccharides are used to prevent the spread of microbes and viruses through surfaces and to improve the effectiveness of protective equipment.

The aim of the project is to synthesize and develop materials and surface structures that have an anti-viral effect. This can improve the effectiveness of personal protective equipment such as masks and prevent the spread of viruses through contact to surfaces. Seppälä’s research team has previously published experimental studies showing that similarly modified nanocellulose has an anti-viral function.

The group will continue to synthesize and test similarly modified polysaccharides. The goal is to find the best compositions and test the functionality of the concept with different types of microbes and viruses. Results can be expected in early 2021 when the synthetization and characterization have progressed sufficiently.

More information about other COVID-19 research grantees at